
Jon Corzine's Spectacular Failure Just Got More Spectacular

John Cook · 11/01/11 11:43AM

There's no better argument against the privilege of wealth than Jon Corzine, the clownish former Goldman Sachs CEO who thought his facility for extracting money from a rigged financial game entitled him to run the state of New Jersey. After getting roundly rejected by voters after one term, he got a job from a friend running derivatives firm MF Global. Yesterday it went bankrupt. And today we learned that he's lost $700 million of his clients' money.

Jon Corzine is Still a Miserable, Well-Compensated Failure

John Cook · 10/31/11 11:26AM

Goldman Sachs has taken plenty of well-deserved knocks over the last three years, but the man single-handedly most responsible for damaging the Wall St. giant's reputation hasn't worked there for more than a decade: Having done a tour as a shitty senator and a loathed governor, former CEO Jon Corzine has added failed futures broker to his post-Goldman career.

Meet Obama's Fancy Celebrity 'Bundlers'

Jim Newell · 07/15/11 04:07PM

So, campaign finance! Perhaps in need of some constitutional reform, hmm? But for now, the rules of the game for presidential campaigns are that you call all of your rich friends and have them bundle donations from their rich friends, "sometimes" in exchange for access or favors for everyone in this elaborate network of rich friends. So who's on the just-released Obama bundler list?

Corzine Heads South

cityfile · 11/09/09 11:55AM

Don't worry about Jon Corzine, who suffered a bruising defeat last week in his bid for reelection as New Jersey's governor. He seems to be holding up just fine. Corzine and girlfriend Sharon Elghanayan jetted off to St. Barts on a private plane last Friday and have since been spotted sunning themselves on the beach, although given the weather forecast, that may not continue for much longer. [NYP]

Corzine's Next Move

cityfile · 11/04/09 11:57AM

Jon Corzine was unseated as New Jersey's governor yesterday. Meanwhile, Bank of America is desperately seeking a new CEO and just yesterday announced it would be fine with having its next chief based in the New York area, instead of at BofA HQ in Charlotte. Is it possible that Jon Corzine could decide to return to his Wall Street roots and take over the troubled bank? Stranger things have happened, clearly. [Dealbreaker]

The Polls Are Open

cityfile · 11/03/09 06:40AM

Election Day has arrived, which means if you live in New York City, you have until 9pm to go to the polls to cast your vote for the next mayor. Is it even worth trekking to your local polling station given Mike Bloomberg locked in a third term ages ago? Probably not, but you'll be doing your democratic duty and for that you can be proud. (If you skip it and you're a Bill Thompson supporter, take comfort in the fact that a low turnout is something Thompson is hoping for.) If you live in New Jersey, it's a very different story. Gov. Corzine and Chris Christie are neck in neck, every vote will count, and a winner may not emerge until late into the night. So decide between the lady-loving bald dude or the thieving fat man and get to it. [Photo: Flickr]

Your Off-Year Election Guide

Pareene · 11/02/09 03:30PM

The only race tomorrow that will have anything to do with national political trends is a tiny congressional district in upstate New York. But there are other races that everyone will talk about as if they mean something.

Shep Smith Apologizes for Fox News' 'Lack of Balance'

John Cook · 10/27/09 03:19PM

Shepard Smith just cut off one of his correspondents at the knees, demanding after she conducted a live interview of the GOP's New Jersey gubernatorial candidate when she would give equal time to his Democratic rival. How awkward.

Over in Jersey...

cityfile · 07/30/09 02:32PM

After doing his best to hang on and remain in office, Hoboken mayor Peter Cammarano—one of the dozen or so politicians caught up in that ginormous corruption scandal in New Jersey—has finally agreed to step down. The political damage to Gov. Jon Corzine is only beginning. Pollsters are already giving Corzine's Republican challenger the advantage in the upcoming gubernatorial elections. [NYT]

Terry Richardson Buys on Lafayette

cityfile · 04/17/09 07:26AM

Terry Richardson is adding to his real estate portfolio. The hipster photographer has paid $3.335 million for the 2,800-square-foot, three-story former fire station located at 185 Lafayette Street. [Cityfile]
• Josh and Whitney Kroenke, the grandkids of Wal-Mart co-founder Bud Walton, have put their penthouse at 201 West 17th Street on the market. The two-bedroom pad, which the siblings purchased for $2.7 million in 2005, is listed at $2.995 million. [Cityfile, Core]
• Not everyone is feeling the squeeze in the Hamptons. Joanne Corzine, the ex-wife of New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine, has reportedly found someone willing to meet her $900,000 asking price to rent out her oceanfront manse in Sagaponack for the summer season. [Newsday]

Jon Corzine's Hamptons Home: Available for Rent

cityfile · 02/12/09 08:20AM

• Looking for a summer rental in the Hamptons? New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine's estate in Sagaponack is available! You can occupy the 6,200-square-foot home from Memorial Day to Labor Day for $900,000. [Newsday, Sotheby's]
• Fashion designer (and former Marc Jacobs protege) Richard Chai paid $2 million for a 2,300-square-foot apartment at 25 Ann Street. [Cityfile]
• Indie actor Kevin Corrigan (Walking and Talking, True Romance) and his wife Elizabeth Berridge (Amadeus) have sold their fourth-floor apartment at 321 Greenwich Street for $2.39 million. [Cityfile]

The Tuesday Party Report

cityfile · 02/10/09 01:19PM

Lycée Français de New York honored Dior president Sidney Toledano at its 10th annual gala at 7 World Trade Center on Friday night. The event, which was co-chaired in part by by Olivier Sarkozy and his wife Charlotte, attracted Eric and Sandra Ripert (left), Robbie Myers, Bernard Aidan, Bettina Zilkha, Catherine Malandrino Glenda Bailey, Cathy Horyn, Kassy and Liya Kebede, Delphine and Reed Krakoff, Susan Fales-Hill, Yannick Noah, Virginia Smith, Alejandra and Jeffrey Kluger, Stacey Bronfman, Assouline and Martine Prosper, Fabrizio and Maryane Freda, and Veronica Bulgari. [PMc, FWD, WWD, NYSD]