
Meet Marc Jacobs' Supposed Latest Porn Star Boyfriend

Brian Moylan · 12/19/11 11:10AM

Everyone is a twittering that Marc Jacobs has landed himself another gay porn paramour. This time it's Harry Louis, a Brazillian model famous for doing shoots dressed in suits and his other, um, gifts south of the equator. Marc Jacobs is so fucking lucky.

The Many Loves of Marc Jacobs

Richard Lawson · 05/06/08 12:47PM

Trendy Wendy fashion designer Marc Jacobs escorted yet another new gentleman friend to last night's Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute Gala, though no one really seems sure who he is. He could be another MySpace find, or some aspiring hanger-on who stumbled into one of the stores one day. Or he could just be a nice fellow who Marc met at the library and they like to take walks along the river and talk about Lorrie Moore books. (Though that's not, um, likely). What a revolving door this man has! Keeping all the hookers, porn stars, and Mensa members straight (heh) can be difficult. If you need a little help, we've provided some clarification (in list form, natch) after the jump.

Life Is Not a Fairytale

Richard Lawson · 03/26/08 12:53PM

Sure, it may seem like a good time, but the laissez faire minor-celebrity party scene doesn't always do wonders for one's psyche. Take the sad (but maybe hopeful!) story of Marc Jacobs' former paramour Erik Rhodes. The successful and eager porn star was recently all over the place; enjoying Fashion Week and fancy celebrity-packed dinners, dating a famous designer, etc. He seemed a little dim, yes, but that only made him a more enjoyable character in the Jacobs saga. Dopey guy makes big (for a moment). And yet just a few short months later, Rhodes seems to be having something of a meltdown.

Gay Dudes Keep on Keepin' On

Richard Lawson · 03/17/08 10:32AM

The Marc Jacobs threesome triangle game continues on. At last night's Hot Mess, a gay lounge party event (I don't really understand what these things are), former boy-for-rent Jason Preston (who looks disturbingly like someone I knew in high school) arrived on the arm of current gay pornographer Erik Rhodes. Jason is allegedly Jacobs' fiancé , and this may be the first time the pair has appeared without the ubiquitous fashion designer. Some anonymous source is telling Gay Socialite that all three have been screwing the other two separately and together for some time now. Breaking news: gay men sleep with other gay men and are all remarkably open about it. Update: A tipster tells us: "lamme. i was at hot mess last night, erik rhodes and jason preston were not hanging out." Lamme indeed!

Marc Jacobs' Porn Star Pal Needs To Shut Up

Richard Lawson · 02/11/08 11:36AM

Time used to be (I'm told) when bedding a porn star was fun and frivolous, mostly because said porn star didn't have a platform to ramble on about the "relationship." Alas, not so for fashion designer Marc Jacobs, whose affair with gay porn actor Erik Rhodes continues to get an increasing amount of attention. Poor Marc! All he's trying to do is discreetly engage in some (NSFW) hot threesome action with Rhodes and former rentboy Jason Preston, but Rhodes insists on blogging about their dalliances. Learn more after the jump, (plus a video of the oafish Rhodes at an awards show).

Marc Jacobs' Porn Star Friend Cannot Get You A Discount

Ryan Tate · 02/05/08 12:14AM

Gay porn star and escort Erik Rhodes took to his NSFW personal website again to assert, directly this time, that he and designer Marc Jacobs "are just friends" and not sneaking away for hot sex romps (NSFW) behind the back of Jacobs' onetime boyfriend, male escort Jason Preston. But Rhodes stopped short of denying he had hooked up with Jacobs in the past. The best line in his new posting: "Ps. Stop asking me for discounts at the Marc Jacobs store. Jesus." After the jump, slightly NSFW pictures of Rhodes and why he might have attended Jacobs' Fashion Week show, along with Preston.