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Normally you can count on Alec Baldwin to deliver uncensored digs at his ex-wife Kim Basinger (and, occasionally, his little daughter Ireland). But Baldwin's new "divorce diary," A Promise to Ourselves: Fatherhood, Divorce, and Family Law, seems like it's going to be a snoozer. According to the book's flimsy introduction—which Baldwin handed out at BookExpo in LA over the weekend—the tome skips over dirty details of his marriage to Basinger and instead focuses on judges, marriages counselors, lawyers, and the "corrupt" American divorce court system in general. Why would someone trying to sell books leave out all the juicy details, you ask? Blame it on the judge: Many of the specifics of Baldwin's battle with Basinger are sealed under court order. Baldwin was smart enough, however, to slip a choice insult or two into interviews with the press: "My ex-wife reaches an almost sexual level of satisfaction when she's in a room full of high-priced lawyers."