So, the other day on Fox News, amidst a rant about Obama's support from the liberal Hollywood elite, the decidedly un-elite Stephen Baldwin told Laura Ingram that he'll leave the country if Barack gets elected. Obviously, the knee-jerk reaction here is to say, "Then we'd better do our best to make sure that happens." You can see it on Baldwin's face right after he makes his statement. He knows he's gonna get murdered in the blogsphere. But that's not happening here. Not today. I like Baldwin, and I'd be sad not to have him as a citizen of our country.

Consider the evidence: Dude was pretty charming in Threesome, and Bio-Dome isn't that bad either. Sure he's a born-again Christian and kind of a douche-y blowhard, but he's so amusing, that it more than makes up for it. Remember how freakin' awesome he was on Celebrity Apprentice? Every time he said, "Mr. Trump" and pretended he was smart, it sent shivers up my spine.

So really, it's up to you America. Do you want a president who might get us out of Iraq, fix heathcare, and inspire hope and change all over the world? Or, do you want to keep Stephen Baldwin in the USA where he belongs? I, for one, am voting McCain.