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We hope that when we reach whatever the equivalent of our 1,000th issue is — probably Item No. 50,000,000,000, cranked out under duress after a bitter, mop-wielding Coffee Bean barista tells us they closed over an hour ago — we have achieved the kind of clout displayed this week by Entertainment Weekly. There, in celebration of its "New Classics" canon, a handful of celebrities including Viggo Mortensen, Jodie Foster and Sarah Michelle Gellar offer top-10 lists comprising their own cultural touchstones of the last 25 years. And while we might need the weekend to digest Foster's sobering "New Classic Near-Death Experiences," Gellar's gender-bending casting fantasies have our tired, late-Friday minds reeling after the jump.

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Quiet — don't tell Joss Whedon! Anyway, we'd like to extend an early invitation to Ari Emanuel, Brian Grazer, Sharon Stone, Jeff Zucker, Brett Ratner, unicorns and any other Defamer regulars who might consider weighing in with their own listicles come time for "Item 50B." It'll be here before we know it.