
Republicans Watch The Worst Shows on TV

Brian Moylan · 12/06/11 05:47PM

Entertainment Weekly hired a fancy research company to figure out what shows liberals and conservatives like best. They should have just hired us to make up the answers, because they're really stereotypical. Liberals like The Daily Show, 30 Rock, Glee, and David Letterman. Conservatives like, well, a whole bunch of crap.

These Boys Will Kill You

Richard Lawson · 07/27/11 05:11PM

OMG, look you guys it's a first-ever image of Liam Hemsworth (brother of Thor) and Josh Hutcherson as Gale and Peeta in the Hunger Games movie! As Michelle Collins points out, helloooo arms.

Deadliest Catch Caught a Death on Tape

Brian Moylan · 02/17/10 01:25PM

A producer for Discovery's morbid crab fishing show tells Entertainment Weekly that the captain came out of a coma and ordered the crew to keep filming him on his death bed. But is this really what Phil Harris wanted?

The Magazine Ad of the Future; Rupert Takes a Hit

cityfile · 08/20/09 01:01PM

• Get ready to see commercials appear inside magazines. CBS is embedding tiny screens in an upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly, which will play a clip promoting the network's fall season. What will it look like? Like this. [WSJ]
• Poor Rupert: The billionaire chairman of News Corp. only collected a compensation package of $18 million for the most recent fiscal year, which is down from $30 million, or 40 percent, from a year earlier. [AP]
David Letterman continues to beat Conan O'Brien in the ratings. [NYT]
• Did Glenn Beck get yanked off the air after stirring up so much controversy recently, or is he on a regularly scheduled vacation? It's a mystery! [Politico]
60 Minutes is planning to air a tribute to Don Hewitt this Sunday. [NYT]
• Meghan McCain is returning to The View as a guest host. How thrilling. [NYP]
• Reader's Digest is one step closer to officially filing for bankruptcy. [NYT]
• What is Jayson Blair, the disgraced ex-New York Times reporter, up to these days? He's a "certified life coach" for a mental health facility. [Gawker, AP]

Annoying Pop-Up Ads Come to Magazines

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/09 09:54AM

According to Paul Caine, president of the Time Inc. magazine group that includes Entertainment Weekly, the ballpark dollar cost for one of these video units is in the "low teens," although he said the cost may come down before the issue comes out.

Guy On Magazine Cover Is Latest Thing to Discuss

Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/09 10:46AM

Is Ryan Reynolds showing his pubes on the scandalous new Entertainment Weekly cover? Why don't you click through and look at the photo and then talk about it, etc.?

Pay Cuts, Quarterly Losses & Other Happy News

cityfile · 04/30/09 12:07PM

• The New York Times Co. has reached a "tentative agreement" with its union to impose a 5 percent pay cut on employees through the end of the year. [NYP]
• Disney's ABC is joining Fox and NBC and taking a stake in Hulu. [AdAge]
• As expected, Time Warner said it may spin off AOL. But it may end up selling it, too. Either way, Gerald Levin, Dick Parsons and Steve Case will still be responsible for the worst merger in American corporate history. [NYT]
• Viacom reported that first quarter profit dropped 34 percent amid falling revenue at both its film and TV networks businesses. [AP]
• Related: Viacom boss Sumner Redstone is as senile as ever. At the Milken conference in Beverly Hills, he said he wouldn't comment on his competitors before lashing out at Ted Turner, Rupert Murdoch, and Jay Leno. [THR]