
Sarah Michelle Gellar's Male Alter Ego Is Animated, Has an Alligator, and Would Possibly Make Out With Herself

STV · 06/20/08 06:55PM

We hope that when we reach whatever the equivalent of our 1,000th issue is — probably Item No. 50,000,000,000, cranked out under duress after a bitter, mop-wielding Coffee Bean barista tells us they closed over an hour ago — we have achieved the kind of clout displayed this week by Entertainment Weekly. There, in celebration of its "New Classics" canon, a handful of celebrities including Viggo Mortensen, Jodie Foster and Sarah Michelle Gellar offer top-10 lists comprising their own cultural touchstones of the last 25 years. And while we might need the weekend to digest Foster's sobering "New Classic Near-Death Experiences," Gellar's gender-bending casting fantasies have our tired, late-Friday minds reeling after the jump.