What Will WSJ. Magazine Look Like?

WSJ. (note important period), the Wall Street Journal's new glossy magazine, is rolling out in only three short months! Lo, how the idle rich of the world pine for its insights. The paper is already in strong PR mode for the launch, touting its roster of luxury advertisers. More importantly, what will the new rag—with an international circulation of almost a million—look like (besides the single prototype page, pictured)? We put together the clues:
- High-end luxury advertisers (Hermes has the back cover on the premier issue).
- Freelancer-heavy editorial staff with "a little more freedom in terms of how they write" than newspaper writers.
- "You'll see the Journal approach in how we speak to [RICH MAGAZINE READERS'] lifestyle."
- "What we're always intently trying to do is transport the DNA of the Journal into the magazine."
It all adds up to: something incredibly similar to How To Spend It, the FT's glossy magazine. Why not shock us, WSJ.?