Spy Found Dead in Duffel Bag Was 'Probably' Killed Unlawfully, Says Coroner, Also: Everyone
Caity Weaver · 05/03/12 12:22AMThis Woman Knows 'The Answer' to Lost
Richard Lawson · 03/22/10 11:00AMTeen Slay Suspect's Satanic MySpace Page
Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/09 09:52AMLindsay Lohan's Lesbian Soulmate Foreshadowed In Mean Girls
Richard Lawson · 07/09/08 11:58AMFor some reason we are strangely obsessed with actress and reformed party girl Lindsay Lohan's totes heroic lesbian relationship. Maybe it's because we never saw it coming. Gay rumors just don't seem to affix themselves to female celebrities as much as they do to their hunky, becoiffed male counterparts (yoohooooo Chacey!) and she seemed to enjoy dating mens. Though maybe we should have detected some early signs. Look at the hungry gleam in the young actress's eyes as costar Rachel McAdams (where'd she go?) tells her a tale of Sapphistry in the 2004 film Mean Girls. Really, look at it! The video is above. If you need a more direct lesbian reading of the scene, you can read a revised transcript here. (Yes we realize that this is totally silly.)
What Will WSJ. Magazine Look Like?
Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/08 10:45AM
WSJ. (note important period), the Wall Street Journal's new glossy magazine, is rolling out in only three short months! Lo, how the idle rich of the world pine for its insights. The paper is already in strong PR mode for the launch, touting its roster of luxury advertisers. More importantly, what will the new rag—with an international circulation of almost a million—look like (besides the single prototype page, pictured)? We put together the clues: