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Will these waggish fragrance marketing types ever stop with their cheeky penis humor? Eleven-year-old cologne wearers sure hope not! San Francisco—a popular home to gays—is all atwitter because of a new campaign by the giant ad agency Ogilvy for Tom of Finland, a new scent inspired by the famous homoerotic artist of the same name. They took posters of Tom's drawings, see, and positioned them just so next to protruding objects—that to a dirty mind might resemble a huge, hard cock! Such sophisticated appeal to the target demographic. The gays like that stuff, right? So they'll surely open their wallets for this:

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The Tom of Finland fragrance is designed to smell like "a guy coming out of a shower" according to Antoine Lie, who creaqted it for Etat Libre d'Orange.

"He's clean, but not fragranced. And he puts on leather pants." Mr Lie added.

So it smells like Dial soap and leather pants. Mmm, masculinity.

Nick Denton's take: "The images are iconic, and ironic—but hardly inspiration for a fragrance."

[Telegraph UK via Queerty]