Who Tricked 'ET' Into Thinking Angelina Jolie Gave Birth?

So how does a reliable wombsource like Entertainment Tonight get a story as important as Angelina Jolie's impending delivery so wrong, they become the laughingstock of the entire celebrity-birth-exclusives circuit? In the days since misreporting that Jolie had birthed twin girls named Isla and Amelie, the entire company has been subjected to a non-stop barrage of finger pointing and snickers. But how could they have made such a gaffe? Jossip explains how the disgraced celebrity news outlet was played by a savvy assistant impostor:
Jossip hears that somebody has been impersonating Angelina's assistant Holly Goline, using a fake BlackBerry email address and sending erroneous reports to the press. Jolie's attorneys at cease-and-desist happy firm Lavely & Singer are said to be circulating a letter among entertainment outlets explaining the situation.
And the worst part? This impostor has been sending fake information to the media for the past year. Time to start counting up all those outrageously untrue items!
Says the letter:
"A random individual has engaged in a scheme to intentionally harm my client and deceive her fans, the public and the media through illegal and tortuous impersonation of Ms Jolie's long-time assistant, Holly.
"The individual who claims to be, and to whom the media has relied upon as, a 'reliable source' is not my client's assistant, nor does the email address belong to my client's assistant."
With the how now in hand, we're left with an even greater mystery: the who. Who could be responsible for a tortuous impersonation of Jolie, the hugely admired proprietor of one of the most extensive orphan-collections on Earth? For that answer, one need only rearrange the letters of the hoaxster's pseudonym, Holly Goline, to form the anagrammatic phrase, "Hill: Ego Only." Clearly, this is the work of Barack Obama.*
*Failing that, we blame Iggy.