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The US media takes a lot of crap from people like us for being amoral, craven bottom feeders. We take a lot of crap ourselves for being sensationalist controversy-chasers. But all of us here in the American mass media can pat ourselves on the collective back and say: at least we never took sexy pictures of scantily-clad models posing in the rubble of an earthquake that just killed 100,000 of our countrymen:

The New Travel Weekly, a small lifestyle magazine, ran photos of sultry models in their underwear amid the debris in an issue that hit the stands on Monday - the first of three days of national mourning.

Ha, whoa! Now we've seen some bad judgment, but that is some bad judgment. All the magazine's top editors have been fired, and the publication has been temporarily shuttered for "rectification." In a formal statement we agree with for once, the Chinese government said the photos constituted an "extremely evil social influence."

You still don't see 9/11 porn.
