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A crazy man may be videotaping YOUR crotch. And putting the footage on the internet for all to see! The Post, in what is (trend alert) almost surely another story developed solely by poking around on YouTube, alerts the city to a man known only as "househead7d5." He enjoys taping men's crotches—at a phone booth, on the bus, on the subway—and posting the videos online, with clever comments like, "guy on the phone showin a sweatpants bulge phonebooth NYC," or, even creepier, "I love it when they fall asleep! not the biggest basket but he was a cutie pie nonetheless!" So who is this penis-peering multimedia madman? After the jump, we will investigate!

The Post obviously doesn't know who househead7d5 is, identifying him only as a "27-year-old filmmaker." I looks like he has pulled all the videos down from his YouTube channel, probably yesterday or this morning—there are clips on there from as recently as one day ago.

Here's what we know about him, through our online detective work:

  • He took "a recent trip to the Southfork Ranch from DALLAS."
  • He used to work in LA, or is possibly bi-coastal.
  • He has clips from an MIA show at Terminal 5 on 10/19/07
  • And another clip from KUDU at Lotus in NYC
  • His final posted clip, from yesterday, was entitled "Squirrel on crack."

Does this sound like anyone you know? If so, please email us straightaway. Together, we can stop illicit crotch-spying once and for all!