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Michael Roberts, the Vanity Fair fashion and style director who attributed the uproar over the sexy Miley Cyrus photos to unsophisticated Americans who don't handle "chic pictures" as well as his fellow Europeans, is not just dispensing cultural criticism through the media: he has a book coming out! And in a fun coincidence, the 112-page tome is going to be called Fashion Victims: The Catty Catalogue of Stylish Casualties, from A to Z. Perhaps he'll add a section addressing the fact that "The whole kiddie porn prurient angle seems to be worryingly sour grapes from other magazines that didn't get a picture like this." After all, at Vanity Fair "We don't do cheesy teen pictures. We do chic pictures and pictures that are beautiful portraits." Alrighty then. Just for kicks, another now-ironic quote from last October's Telegraph profile of Roberts:

When I ask him his verdict on the recent somewhat controversial Marc Jacobs show at New York Fashion Week (the controversy was as much to do with Jacobs' angry reaction to complaints about the show's late start as his decision to begin it backwards, with his own bow), Roberts assumes a characteristically quizzical gaze. 'It was kind of a nothing, frankly,' he says, in a tone that swoops between a laconic upper-class English drawl and more emphatic transatlantic vowels. 'I think he's getting a little bit spoilt. No one is above criticism... What is worrying with Marc is that he used to be very iconoclastic - he wasn't afraid of speaking his mind or frightened of the establishment when he was doing grunge - so for him to do this whole thing, saying, "You can't criticise me," it's too bizarre.

[pic via Vanity Fair]