Reporter Bravely Disregards Own Dignity To Go Undercover At Reality Show Audition

Daily News reporter Shallon Lester wasn't satisfied just secretly yearning to be friends with Paris Hilton, like most entertainment reporters. She wants to actually be her friend! On TV, at least. (Pictured: an actual photo montage of what the two would look like if their heads were in close proximity, via the NYDN). So the intrepid journalist ventured out to the auditions for the upcoming MTV show and small step towards the apocalypse "Paris Hilton Is My New BFF." How could a trained, professional journalist possibly blend in with a crowd of fame whores? It wasn't that hard at all!
Lester's first advantage is that, like Paris, she is "a fellow blond and lover of bedazzled cell phones." Add to that her own little bit of stealthy undercover work!
Adopting my undercover persona, I introduced myself to the casting director as a Swedish bikini waxer who loves Yorkies and Chace Crawford (that part is true). The director was tickled pink that I had such a "sexy profession" and quickly asked me back for a second audition.
She meets some interesting people!
Vanessa, a sassy brunette who works in finance, said that although she emulates Paris, she isn't willing to sacrifice her self-respect for reality television. "I always think about that show with the Italian guy, "That's Amore," and how he made the girls roll around in a pool of meatballs and sauce. It just turned my stomach. I would never do that, not for anyone or anything."
Vanessa hopes Hilton's intentions are pure. "If this show is solely for entertainment, just tell me! But I really hope Paris wants to find a true friend."
She also worries about a house full of very strong personalities. "If there's a queen in there, I will fight with him."
Lester will find out in a month whether she made the cut. Such an exciting time in the Daily News newsroom for the next 30 days! What was her interview strategy to impress the TV scouts? "I answered as ridiculously as possible, downplayed my college degree and emphasized any encounter I've ever had with tequila." Sounds like most reporters I know!