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Though Gwyneth Paltrow hasn't done much acting lately (aside from announcing over and over that she's taking a break from it), she's still managing to make headlines for her time-tested preference for bizarre fashion. Most recently she's taken a page from her infamous Oscar goth screwup and picked a pair of tarantula-like black sandals to wear to a charity event in New York last night. A closer look at the half-boot half-sandal contraptions after the jump.

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Scratch that. These are part boot, part sandal, part stiletto and part torture chamber. Nevermind how she's managing to stand up in those things, we're more worried about who they're going to consume for dinner. We suppose giving up acting to take care of her kids was a noble move (however self-important), but with toys like this around the house, she might want to start baby-proofing each and every one of her walk-in closets.

[Photo Credits: Splash]