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· There will be nuts. [THR]
· Midway Games' wafer-gobbling CEO David Zucker is relieved of his duties by the ghostly specter of Sumner "Blinky" Redstone. [Variety]
· Even though Rita Marley is its executive producer, the Marley estate is refusing to license Bob's music for the Weinstein's biopic. (It's Martin Scorsese's fault.) [THR]
· It's hypersensitive elephants vs. African-American drag queens duking out for top spot at the Easter Weekend box office. Oh well, we've been meaning to re-grout our bathroom for a while now, anyway. [Variety]
· Brad Ingelsby, a 27-year old who until last week lived with his parents in Pennsylvania, sold his first script The Low Dweller for $650,000 against $1.1 million, with Ridley Scott directing and Leonardo DiCaprio set to star. We now pause to take in the screams of anguish pouring out of every Starbucks and Coffee Bean in the greater L.A. area. [Variety]