
Why the Web couldn't save "Jericho"

Jordan Golson · 03/21/08 02:20PM

Jericho, CBS's excellent postapocalyptic drama set in rural Kansas has been cancelled. Again. Jericho drew a large following among the tech demo. Besides the obvious sci-fi draw, Jericho explored themes of government intervention and self-sufficiency, which are passionate topics among the more tinfoil-hat Libertarians of the Web. But shows that please netizens aren't moneymakers.

'Jericho' Nuked

Seth Abramovitch · 03/21/08 01:51PM

· There will be nuts. [THR]
· Midway Games' wafer-gobbling CEO David Zucker is relieved of his duties by the ghostly specter of Sumner "Blinky" Redstone. [Variety]
· Even though Rita Marley is its executive producer, the Marley estate is refusing to license Bob's music for the Weinstein's biopic. (It's Martin Scorsese's fault.) [THR]
· It's hypersensitive elephants vs. African-American drag queens duking out for top spot at the Easter Weekend box office. Oh well, we've been meaning to re-grout our bathroom for a while now, anyway. [Variety]
· Brad Ingelsby, a 27-year old who until last week lived with his parents in Pennsylvania, sold his first script The Low Dweller for $650,000 against $1.1 million, with Ridley Scott directing and Leonardo DiCaprio set to star. We now pause to take in the screams of anguish pouring out of every Starbucks and Coffee Bean in the greater L.A. area. [Variety]

Dear Television: Please Stop Listening to the Internet

Richard Lawson · 02/22/08 02:51PM

Stop the presses, Las Vegas is rumored to be canceled! What will we do without our weekly James Caan fix? What's that? It's Tom Selleck now? Oh. Huh. Well, then no one cares. Except, actually some people do. One of those Save the Show campaigns has been started! Maybe it'll work? Unfortunately these annoying, internety movements seem to actually have the networks' ears these days. Why just yesterday we heard that the much beleaguered Friday Night Lights seems to have been momentarily saved (or, maybe not.) Its zealous online fan base surely played a role in that. Ever since a bunch of crazed Jericho fans sent lots and lots of peanuts to CBS executives' offices, something odd has been happening. Networks are paying attention to the internet. And it's not good.

Nina Tassler Issues Formal Letter Of Surrender To The 'Jericho' Nation

seth · 06/06/07 07:56PM

For Jericho fans anxiously awaiting confirmation of the rumors that their grassroots campaign to save the series had actually worked, today comes official word from on high: This morning, a tiny, white flag poked out of the gargantuan mound of peanuts that currently stands where CBS headquarters used to be. It was waved weakly (there was precious little oxygen for the executives trapped beneath to breath), and was followed by a rolled-up sheet of CBS letterhead, which eventually landed with a bounce at the feet of the small army of chanting Jericho activists hoisting placards at its base. This is what it read:

'Jericho' Fans Call Down Plague Of Peanuts Upon CBS Tormentors

seth · 05/22/07 05:14PM

Fans hoping to revive a cancelled TV series have been relying on increasingly flashy techniques in the hopes of registering on the radars of busy network heads, whose various galactic overlord duties may have rendered them tragically out of touch with the tastes of the common man. Arrested Development addicts pelted Fox execs with foam banana balls. Invasion lovers (yes, they existed) drowned ABC in bottled water. But devotees of the mushroom-clouds- on-Main-St. drama Jericho have decided to go the bulk snack route, inviting fellow grassroots supporters to send roasted peanuts to CBS's offices: