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Attention, New York Googlers: This cute Asian girl wants you to show her around the office. I don't get it either. Though, if anyone wants to take me on a tour, I promise not to get you fired. Probably.

Hi Googlers,

I'm interested in taking a tour at the Googleplex in New York on Monday, March 10th. Ideally, you'd show me around the offices and then we'd head to the cafeteria to watch Jacque Torres' demo.

She continues:

I really love chocolate and Google and the thought of the two combining forces is just too amazing for me NOT to see. What's in it for you, you ask? Well, I could take you out for a drink after work! Or, we could become best friends and hang out all the time. Plus, isn't it enough that you'd be walking around Google with a cute Asian girl? :) But, I don't want to limit it to guys, if a girl would be nice enough to show me around, that would be great, too!


(Photo by AP/Paul Sakuma)