
Googlers Do No Actual Work, Says Spy

Ryan Tate · 07/19/11 01:22PM

It's apparently a lazy summer at Google, where employees are so busy with food trucks, a seafood fair and endless eating they don't actually have time to work, rabble rousing comedian Marc Maron reports. Tell your broker to SELL.

Lady Gaga Googles Herself

Adrian Chen · 03/23/11 09:59AM

Earlier this week, Lady Gaga dropped by the Googleplex for a chat with Google VP Marissa Mayer. Luckily for the Internet, Google posted the entire 73-minute video to YouTube, in case you've got some dead time while marinating a skirt steak.

Google Is Assembling a City

Ryan Tate · 11/15/10 05:05PM

The Google elite may be cosseted at work, but employees have to endure the real world upon returning home each night. No more: Googletown, a forthcoming mini-metropolis, will include not just offices but sports facilities, child care—and housing.

Google's Weirdest Investments

Ryan Tate · 10/05/10 12:50PM

Sending robots to the moon. Beekeeping. Genetic testing. A bicycle monorail. Google's investments sometimes lend the impression the company doesn't know what to do with all its free cash. Business Insider's Jay Yarow details the company's most bizarre investments below.

At Google, You're Old and Gray At 40

Ryan Tate · 06/21/10 01:29PM

Google faces an imminent California Supreme Court decision on whether it engaged in age discrimination. But that hasn't kept the internet company from patting itself on the back for how it supports old "Greyglers" — that's any Googler over 40.

Microsoft Truck Invades Google Campus, Gets Dissed

Ryan Tate · 06/15/10 07:18PM

A truck for Microsoft's Bing search engine has been driving around Google's Mountain View campus, apparently taking pictures. A Googler shot a photo of the vehicle — and then his friends went to work on Microsoft in the comments.

Watch Conan O'Brien's Illegal Jay Leno Impression

Ryan Tate · 05/12/10 12:49PM

Here are the funniest moments of Conan O'Brien's recent visit to Google's Silicon Valley headquarters, including the comedian riffing on Google's "entitled a-hole" staff—and a cutting impersonation of Jay Leno that apparently violated legal constraints.

Mac Genius Slams His Google Job

Ryan Tate · 04/19/10 02:15PM

Unemployed techies, take heart: At least your soul isn't being shredded by an awful job. It sounds like that's the case with Macintosh co-inventor Andy Hertzfeld, who says acclaimed employer Google has smothered him and drained him of creative joy.

Life Inside the Googleplex Is Kinda Creepy

Ryan Tate · 04/14/10 02:38PM

What happens when Google swallows your life? A new hire at the internet company is blogging the experience, from waking in his Google apartment to taking a Google car to Google dinner and then Googling home via Google.

Top Chef Flunks Google

Ryan Tate · 09/03/09 10:26AM

Not to step on Brian's toes — full Top Chef recap is coming — but it was not a good night for Googlers. If you click this, you do not get to complain about spoilers.

Google Cancels Prom

Ryan Tate · 08/12/09 07:38PM

The annual "Google Dance," which drew thousands of search conference attendees to Google's Mountain View headquarters each summer, has been canceled this year, a victim of cost cutting. The outcry only confirms our early judgement of the event: hopelessly lame.