Cougar Queen Demi Moore Contemplates Her Man-Harem

The Kutcher-Moores grace the pages of the April issue of Harper's Bazaar, in which the First Family of Cougardom weigh in on a number of topics, including how they manage to keep their Kabbalic faith after other celebrities have moved on to even trendier catalogue-order religions. But it's the subject of Moore's ex-husband and Rumer-fatherer Bruce Willis, who maintains an improbably cozy relationship with his Gen Y usurper, that repeatedly pops up:
Demi: You know, I didn't get married and have children so I could get a divorce, get remarried, and get along with my ex-husband. But since that is what happened, I am grateful it turned out this way. [...]
Demi: My daughters are a big part of what drove me to want to have a close relationship with Bruce. One of the most healing things for Bruce was seeing me meet someone who has brought me so much happiness. And I so much want the same for him. We get so much from being able to share holidays and spend time with all of us together. The kids don't have to choose. They're getting double the support, double the love, double the encouragement.
Of course, the bridge between Demi's former life as Bruno's main squeeze to her current incarnation as the MILFy reigning monarch of the Punk'd generation wasn't an entirely smooth one: We're reminded of their first all-family dinner party, a five-course affair that started awkwardly right from the salad course, grew more tense when Willis challenged Kutcher to an arm-wrestling competition during entrees, and which by dessert had quickly devolved into an intergenerational tournament of one-upsmanship (darts, Go Fish, badminton, and Dance Dance Revolution) that left all three daughters sobbing into their gelato bowls.
[Photo credit: Peter Lindbergh for Harper's Bazaar]