The last week or so has seen New York Senator Hillary Clinton slip from "inevitable" to "favored" in her race for the Democratic presidential nomination. So, naturally, her terrifying campaign staff is becoming even more vicious and entertaining. Expect the Drudge-baiting trash talk by subordinates to increase at a rate more or less proportionate with the happy talk Iowa appearances and media availabilities from her husband, "Slick Willie." On Monday, Bill reminded everyone of how awesome the '90s were, and promised that a second Clinton presidency would mean the return of prosperity and Sugar Ray. Meanwhile, New Hampshire Clinton campaign co-chair Billy Shaheen called Obama a coke-head. But in a "I didn't actually call him a coke-head" way!

Shaheen said Obama's candor on the subject would "open the door" to further questions. "It'll be, 'When was the last time? Did you ever give drugs to anyone? Did you sell them to anyone?'" Shaheen said. "There are so many openings for Republican dirty tricks. It's hard to overcome."

In other words, "I'm not saying that they'll say that Barry HUSSEIN Obama sold drugs, I'm just saying." And he's got a point! If Obama should get the nomination, why there's no telling what Republicans might ask him! Does he smoke crack? Rob liquor stores? Has he ever looked at a white woman wrong? These are questions—hypothetical questions from hypothetical Republicans—that Obama, and America, will have to prepare for!

This is precisely why Hillary won't admit to being a lesbian who killed Vince Foster. Opens too many doors.

Clinton N.H. Official Warns Obama Will Be Attacked on Drug Use [The Trail/WP]