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New York gossip column Page Six has more details on this weekend's wedding of Google founder Larry Page and future Stanford Ph.D. Lucy Southworth. Even bilionaires have planning snafus. Logistics have turned nightmarish, to be expected when you cram 600 guests accustomed to penthouse suites and private jets onto a tiny island. The Southworth-Page nuptials, scheduled for Richard Branson's private Caribbean getaway, Necker Island, have taken over neighboring Virgin Gorda, a short boat trip away from the wedding site. Other details we've heard from a plugged-in tipster:

According to a tipster:

-everyone has signed confidentiality agreements
-the whole island of virgin gorda is rented out for the wedding guests
-special times for meals have been requested at little dix bay and olde yard inn
-anyone who had planned and reserved little dix for a vacation have been called and told the resort is suddenly "over booked" and have been bumped.
-all ferries and cars are booked
-all new eco friendly furniture is being shipped in to redecorate
-three presidents rumored to attend
-600 expected to attend

Page Six reveals that U2 frontman and Elevation Partners cofounder Bono will be in attendance, though we're assuming Page won't have to pick up Bono in Morocco this time. Decidedly NOT there will be Federated Media head John Battelle, who authored the first major book about Page's search giant. He is attending a friend's birthday party in Mexico instead.

Heard anything else? Please share.