As promised, Miss Puerto Rico Universe winner Ingrid Marie Rivera appeared on The Today Show show to answer whether the much-talked-about pepper-spray sabotaging incident was in fact nothing more than a beauty queen flimflam, with host Meredith Vieira going so far as to suggest the hives outbreak Rivera claims was caused by high-grade hot sauce was instead the result of a nervous reaction.

Of course, Rivera denies any wrongdoing, insisting it was pageant security officials, not she, who identified the tampering, before slipping into a stirring pageantspeak monologue about the power of God and negative-thought-blocking that would surely have garnered 9.0s and above from any qualified Trump Pageant judge. [Ed. note: We apologize in advance for an audio glitch that makes it intermittently sound as if Vieira and her subject had gargled some pepper-spray before conducting the interview.]