We were going to do a Definitive Guide To What Bands To See At CMJ—but you know what? I am old and I hadn't heard of a single band playing tomorrow, the first day of the crack-orgy of band showcases. One of the few shows I recognized was the Thursday night back-to-back of His Name Is Alive and St. Vincent at the Knitting Factory; sounds like heaven. (Also, hello, I am old! And yes that was true and also a blatant attempt to get on the list! Heh.) Anyway, I started to do some investigation, but once I found out that "AIDS Wolf is a Canadian noise rock band," I figured I would just sit this one out. Instead, let's turn this guest-host arrangement (in the immortal words of Laurie Anderson) inside out—why don't you tell us what to maybe see this week? [CMJ]