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Now here's a perk: We hear that Google's New York office gets local employees on the list of three clubs every weekend, so they don't have to wait in line with the bridge-and-tunnel crowd. While somehow we doubt Google's HR department houses the hippest arbiters of Gotham nightlife, we suspect that Google's Big Apple-based geeks party just a wee bit harder than the drones of the Googleplex in Mountain View.

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Most Googlers' idea a good time is exemplified by this month's hopelessly lame "Google Dance 2007" event at the Search Engine Strategies conference, pictured above. Know which clubs are on this week's list? Or spotted a Googler in the wild? Let us know. Bonus points for shirtless photos of engineering director Craig Neville-Manning, right, founder of the Google New York office. (Photo by Latham Jenkins)