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We've ditched our shortsighted daily "to do" list for a spiffy new Gawker Google Calendar, a community fun-house where we list events from here to eternity. (The agenda view is handy!) You can subscribe to the calendar in a number of ways. You can import it right into your own Google calendar or Gmail services; you can subscribe to the RSS feed; or you can merge it with iCal. Or you can be lazy, and we'll feature it here daily. We're looking for a lot of help from you. You can invite us to an event, and if we accept, the event will show up directly on the Gawker calendar. For the Web 1.0 set, of course, you can always email with news of readings, lectures, parties, orgies and sales you think all the rest of us might enjoy. Or might hate! That's fine too. Whee! Internets!