
Circles Of Commenter Hell

abalk2 · 05/18/07 03:16PM

Each week, thousands of reader comments are rejected by our sharp-eyed hall monitor Intern Kaila. In this installment of Mold Star Motel, Kaila, who is clearly on the drugs, discovers that there is a very special place in comments hell reserved for each and every author of the (rejected!) thoughts posted below. From which of Dante's divinely comedic circles will they finally be getting the "approved" stamp?

Mold Star Motel: What Type Of Rejected Gawker Commenter Are You?

abalk2 · 03/26/07 01:05PM

Each week, thousands of reader comments are rejected by our sharp-eyed hall monitor Intern Kaila. In this installment of Mold Star Motel, Kaila recognizes that there are identifiable patterns, repetitions — nay, archetypes - for rejected commenters, and that maybe, just maybe, we can see a little bit of ourselves and our tendencies in some of them. See if you stack up:

Gawker Bowling Juggernaut Continues Worldwide Dominance

abalk2 · 03/15/07 01:41PM

Last night, a collection of New York's hottest media stars assembled at the Port Authority Bus Terminal - and this time not just to suck dick for a dollar! No, we were at Leisure Time Bowling for the latest round of NYAMBL matches. We are not ashamed to say that - challenges aside - we kicked some serious ass, rocking the worlds of Jane, Portfolio and new nemesis Comedy Central (nice use of office supplies, fellas). Here's video from the event featuring all your favorites: Richard Blakeley! Intern Kaila! The gay guy from Gridskipper! Hopefully, you'll enjoy it as much as we did. Actually, hopefully a lot more, it was fucking bowling.

Mold Star Motel: Sleep Well, Fluffball

abalk2 · 03/02/07 12:40PM

Each week, thousands of reader comments are rejected by our sharp-eyed hall monitor Intern Kaila. In honor of today's closing ceremonies for an American icon, we have selected some of the most interesting rejected comments concerning the late Anna Nicole Smith. Please bear in mind that all these comments are real, and that individuals actually sat down and typed them out, sometimes even spell-checking them first. We may mock our regular commenters on occasion, but you guys are positively Shakespearean compared to these folks. Take a look: