The top U.N. drug enforcement official, Antonio Maria Costa, has urged the media to be more critical in reporting on the "shooting, snorting and sniffing habits" of certain pop stars and models. Costa, who heads the Vienna-based U.N. office on drugs and crime, said, "Less focus on coke-snorting celebrities would help governments shift public attitudes and help develop greater social awareness of the dangers of drugs."

Yeah, that's a great idea! Nothing makes us want to do lines more than knowing that positive role models like Paris Hilton might be hoovering up rails themselves. Isn't Lindsay Lohan's entire existence the most effective demonstration we have of the dangers of drugs right now? Hey, U.N., why don't you shut the fuck up and fix that Darfur thing, then we can talk. Until then, we wants our Snorty Britney pics and we want 'em now.

Celebrity Drug Use [WWD]