
Court Victory for Dunne, Reckless Speculation Everywhere

Pareene · 07/09/08 10:39AM

Fantastic news, America-our constitutional right to repeatedly call a man a murderer has been upheld! Former congressmen Gary Condit, who allegedly caused 9/11 (j/k Gary!) sued Vanity Fair scribe Dominick Dunne for defamation, because Dunne kept claiming he knew that Condit knew stuff he wasn't telling about the murder of former Condit intern/paramour Chandra Levy (which Condit is totally responsible for, allegedly). Dunne went on the tee-vee and said "I think he knows more about what did happen than he has ever said," so the judge dismissed the suit becuz "I think" means it was a constitutionally protected statement of opinion, not assertion of fact. Or, as the judge put it, "Dunne does not suggest that his opinion statements are based on any additional facts not known to the public." This is terrible news for everyone, as now we all actually do have to be careful to use those stupid weasel words. Like "allegedly"!

'Styles' Catfight: Perp And Vic Pics

balk · 03/28/07 01:20PM

Here they are, direct from the Times' internal facebook, your Styles combatants: At left, style editor Anita "Bonecrusher" LeClerc. At right, her boss, Mary Ann "Candybowl" Giordano. This doesn't look anything near a fair fight. And how mugshotty is LeClerc's photo? It's almost like they knew something like this was gonna happen. Sadly, this has drained the sexual component out of the story for us. Now we're just stuck thinking about that poor old lady in Queens who was assaulted and robbed. What kind of sick person attacks someone who looks like our aunt?

U.N. Wants Us To Go Cold Turkey On Druggy Celebs

abalk2 · 03/28/07 12:04PM

The top U.N. drug enforcement official, Antonio Maria Costa, has urged the media to be more critical in reporting on the "shooting, snorting and sniffing habits" of certain pop stars and models. Costa, who heads the Vienna-based U.N. office on drugs and crime, said, "Less focus on coke-snorting celebrities would help governments shift public attitudes and help develop greater social awareness of the dangers of drugs."

Which Glamazon Actress Broke Her BF's Nose?

Emily Gould · 03/07/07 11:50AM

Nose breaking: it's all the rage! And speaking of, you know what else is all the rage? Coke-fueled rage! At least, according to today's Gatecrasher column.