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Hey, bored this afternoon and armed with the technical know-how it takes to set up a free email account? Well, congrats: you are officially invited to participate in a fun round of Fuck With The National Enquirer. Those supersleuths came across a definitely not long for this world blog by one 'Mal Lane,' who seems to be the Trinity University student who shared something even better than sex — ;) — with Vince Vaughn, inciting the rage of tragic forever-singleton Jen Aniston. Well, the National Enquirer found an innovative way of contacting Mal: via the comments of her blog!

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A prankster set up a fake Mal Lane email and answered Rick's question, and got a very fun email response from Ricke, who's been on Blogger since — why, since today! It's after the jump.

Hi Mal, I'm a writer with the National Enquirer and we're looking to offer you $15,000 for your exclusive story about the time you spent with Vince Vaughn. As you probably know by now, there are numerous news agencies working on this and they'll write the story with or without your permission but we'd like to go up front with you so that you could make some money. We have someone in Rome that could interview you so please contact me as soon as possible. Thanks, Rick Rick Egusquiza, Senior Reporter National Enquirer (310) 319-5540

Go to it, Mal Lanes of the world. And see if you can get more than a paltry $15,000. The going rate for telling the world in your own words what it was like to blow Vince Vaughn/Rachel from Friends' shot at happiness has to be worth at least 20K.

Earlier: Vince Dumped Jen For An Award-Winning Actress