• Big shakeup at Yahoo includes resignation of former ABC head Lloyd Braun. [NYT]
  • Mother of tabloid TV news disavows her offspring. [NYO]
  • In the course of calling Spy a "total failure," Donald Trump refers to Vanity Fair ed Graydon Carter's "bad hair." Considering the source, that's got to sting. [NYP]
  • Slate wonders why the previously leak-proof White House is now turning into a gusher? We'd guess it has something to do with the fact that certain officals might find it advantageous to distance themselves from a lame duck whose incompetence has cost his party control of both houses of Congress, but, heck, we're not experts or anything. [Slate]
  • Media magnate Bono wants the parenting part of the Time For titles. [NYP]
  • France gets its own 24-hour news channel. [Guardian]
  • The search for missing CNET editor James Kim continues. [CNET]
  • R.W. "Johnny" Apple remembered at the Kennedy Center. Also, the reporter who made a deathbed request for Apple's favorite waffle shacks? Jill Santopietro. [NYT]
  • Nice tribute to George W.S. Trow. [NYO]