In this old-school, TGIF-edition of the Stalk: George Clooney and Steven Soderbergh, Natalie Portman and Jason Drake, Jude Law, Renee Zellweger, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, Barbara Bush (the twin), Diane Von Furstenberg, Kate Bosworth and Sigourney Weaver, Ryan Reynolds, Alec Baldwin, Rachel Dratch, Lawrence Fishburn, Liya Kebete, James Blunt, Karolina Kurkova, Adrien Grenier, Mira Sorvino and Chris Backus, Lauren Ambrose, Mo Rocca, Al Franken, Joey Slotnick, Haley Joel Osment, Stalker Hall of Famer Mike Meyers, and Chett from Weird Science.

George Clooney and Steven Soderbergh were dining at the Post House restuarant tonight (Wednesday). They were discussing and laughing about the movie Broke Back Mountain. George Clooney offered his stool to an attractive blonde who was at the bar. He was a real gentleman. Clooney was also commenting on what a great job Daniel Craig did in the lastest Bond Movie Casino Royale.

I just say Natalie Portman and Jason Drake from cassettes won't listen walking out of a barnes and noble in union square. Today, 12:45pm.

Saw Jude Law heading into Good Morning America studios this morning at 8:15. He was very short, and was wearing a sharp looking suit. Jude was pleasant to the ton of screaming lady admirers. I was busy looking for Siena or Daisy the nanny....

Renee Zellweger shopping at Barney's. very casual wearing knit yoga pants carrying some clothes over her arms. she stayed mostly on the perimeter of the floor and then was escorted into the dressing room... could tell from her voice it was her before i spotted her.....

Saw Gwennie Paltrow having dinner at Lupa at 8pm with a dark hair friend. Looked gorgeous, no make-up, straight hair...ate hearty portions too.

I saw Cameron Diaz walking up (towards 5th) on 55th street this afternoon at 12:15. (11/31) She looked really good. Hair up, under a cool cap, and she was dressed very Ralph Lauren-y. Skin looked decent (kinda tan/no visible zits). Walking with some guy (not JT) but security lagged behind

Barbara Bush (The twin) November 29, 6:30pm 96th and 5th Ave. She checked me into the "Antiques of the Future" book signing at the Cooper Hewitt Museum. Very sweet. And really much more attractive than I had thought she would be. Actually, really attractive and really nice. Very gracious.

9:45 pm Tuesday November 29, 2006: Diane von Furstenberg walking west on W 12th street, on her way to her store in the meat packing district. Chatting with a friend and looking fabulous

Kate Bosworth and Sigourney Weaver filming The Girl in the Park at the Windsor Pharmacy on 6th and 58th.

I just saw Ryan Reynolds smoking a cigarette and looking over his lines with the guy who played Boobie Miles in "Friday Night Lights" outside Jake's Dilemma. They are filming their new movie "Definitely, Maybe."

Tuesday night, Carnegie Hall - Saw Alec Baldwin with two women...I was disappointed — neither were atrractive AT ALL. Then again, he didn't look so great himself. But, in person, he looked like he had some kind of plastic surgery to his face. What's up, Alec? You're doing weird things to yoursel and hangin with ugly dames?

Just spotted Rachel Dratch drinking a Starbucks latte and wearing baggy jeans on the corner of 14th street and 3rd ave.

11.29.06, ~8 p.m. at Babbo — Lawrence Fishburne having dinner on the second floor with an African American gentleman who had amazing dreadlocks. My dinner companions and I debated if it was really him, but all debate ceased when his voice carried over to our table. Morpheus, for sure. Seeing him made our early-bird-esque 6 p.m. reservation more palatable

Nov 30th, 2006 @ 2pm: Liya Kebete, possibly just having come out of Ferragamo, looking simply super, super pretty.

I saw James Blunt yesterday Nov.29,on 49th street.It was next to a crosswalk when i was heading to see the lighting of the NYC christmas tree, he was with his guitar strapped to his back.I passed right next to him,and he looked at me but i was to shy to get his autograph.

77 West 14th Street, 8:30pm - 11/29: Karolina Kurkova, Wearing jeans, fluffy boots and looking like she needs a nose job.

Just spotted Adrian Grenier standing with a tall dark haired beauty wearing White boots on the corner of Stanton Street and Bowery. Adrian was dressed in all black and has cut his trademark Mop off, sporting a very short hairdo.

Saw Mira Sorvino and Chris Backus and their 2 kids on the corner of 24th Street and 6th Ave - looking for a taxi and having a small tiff - Chris was apologetic and said "I didn't mean it in a bad way"... She was not happy. Could not find a taxi. She looks super skinny and like she had an obvious nose-job, he was more recognizable, super tall and super scruffy.

I saw Lauren Ambrose from Six Feet Under yesterday at 5th and 17th at 3:45. She has no makeup and was holding hands with a guy walking down 5th Avenue. She looked cute though.

Saw Mo Rocca at Dirty Bird To-Go, 14th st and 7th ave. He was dressed pretty casually, and his hair was really gray so I almost didn't recognize him, but I would know that voice anywhere. He ordered rotisserie chicken with mac and cheese.

Al Franken was at the Skylight diner in midtown at 10ish. Picked up an order to go. He looks very different without "the tv thing" done to him, but his voice gave it away before I even turned around to realize yes, it was actually him. He had one of those old-timey P.I.-type hats on, and a long trenchcoat. He looks much older in person, and I had to look at him a few times to make sure it was him, but it was. And the voice is exactly the same way you hear it on the radio, or t.v.

Had a recent sighting this afternoon in the West Village - Carmine & 6th. Saw Joey "Meril" Slotnick of Nip/Tuck fame with a look of pure bewilderment at the Christmas Tree selection. Tee hee'd with a friend about how homely he is and went on our merry way....Chewbacca frow be out of controlllllllllllllll

8.40 am. 13th street between university and 5th: Haley Joel Osment walking on the street. looked like a chubby, drugged out NYU kid. and he doesn't even go there.

Saw Mike Meyers crossing the street at Christopher & Bleecker around 10:30pm tonight (Nov 30th). Looked kind of old, but was walking with a much younger blond girl. She was just ok.

And on Wednesday night, I saw Chett from Weird Science (Lee Tergeson) at the Chelsea Movie Theaters on 23rd and 8th at 8:00pm. He was wearing a hoodie and was with a guy and a girl. He looks exactly the same as he did 10 years ago...