Brad Pitt To Ask Indian Oprah To Reassure Her Audience His Bodyguards Don't Hate Indians

Following the recent student/parent/ bodyguard/paparazzi stampede and pile-on at a Mumbai school used as a shooting location for A Mighty Heart (video of the terrifying, anarchic events available here), flawlessly bone-structured altruists Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have now found themselves in the unlikely position of having to defend themselves against some rare, bad press. Jolie has released a statement calling the allegation that one of her three bodyguards arrested in the melee called a parent a "bloody Indian" a "horrible rumor." But it's Brad Pitt, perhaps realizing the potential threat the impromptu and much talked about fight club could pose to their global good standing, who has taken the formidable step of going directly to the top with his damage control efforts, pleading their case to none other than Indian Oprah. From an Extra press release:
(Los Angeles - November 17, 2006) - "Extra" has learned that Brad Pitt sat down today in India for an interview with Barkha Dutt, who is referred to as the Oprah Winfrey of India. Pitt discounted recent reports alleging that he and Angelina Jolie's bodyguards roughed up parents and students at a Mumbai school where the actress was filming scenes for "A Mighty Heart." "Extra" will air excerpts from his candid interview tonight, Friday, November 17.
If Pitt played his cards right, pouring just the right amount of charm and heartfelt sincerity into his sit-down with Barkha at Ahkrab Studios, we'd say he has a good chance of circumventing a potential public relations disaster, à la Madonna on the original Oprah. Barkha, meanwhile, comes away with an A-list celebrity interview in her cap, to say nothing of all the exciting material she can now write about in the "OK—Here's What Brad's Really Like" feature she's currently penning for her shopping and self-fulfillment periodical, B: The Barkha Magazine.