Remainders: "We Go Top Down... to Models and Bottles"
This image was lost some time after publication.- It's good that you changed the title of that piece. But are you sure that insensitive title is completely gone? [Village Voice]
- Amy Sedaris (pride of Raleigh!) with a message Dove can get behind. [CC Insider]
- There's no cause that's too noble to be mocked. [Jossip]
- This guest editor's favorite late night food cart will be making its last stop soon. [Gridskipper]
- If you've soured on Gilmore Girls, get yourself Midtown for indie/nerd rap's finest, Del Tha Funkee Homosapien. Doors at 8. [B.B. King Blues Club]
- As mentioned previously, white-on-Federline violence with appropriate soundtrack. Fake, but sweet nonetheless. [BWE]