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Genetically flawless area do-gooders Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, perhaps swept up in the excitement of one of Jolie's euphoric bipolar upswings that not even a marathon copulation session managed to quell, have been on something of a spending spree lately. But unlike the time Jolie pulled out an AmEx Black card at a shoddily managed African game preserve and insisted on purchasing an entire herd of elephants no matter the cost, we doubt next month's credit card statement will elicit another paralyzing wave of buyer's remorse:

· The couple made contributions of $1 million to the Global Action for Children and $1 million to Doctors Without Borders, through their newly created charitable foundation, the Jolie/Pitt Foundation. (The Plan B Foundation was bandied about, but ultimately rejected for its many icky, Jennifer Aniston-related connotations). []
· NY Daily News JV Gossip Lloyd Grove reports today that Jolie snapped up $400k in works by British street artist/prankster Banksy, including a $226k painting (see photo) of a picnicking Western family oblivious to the group of starving Africans looking on, which they'll later turn into a fun, group activity, allowing Maddox and Zahara to color in the white children so the painting becomes a more representative family portrait to hang in the foyer.

[Photo: Splash News Online]