Last night we bought four of the glossies' September issues, those typically being the most behemoth of the year. Why only four? Because we had to walk a few blocks, and we could only carry four. Once the Bengay kicks in and we can use our biceps again, we'll grab another round of these bitches.

For our first weigh-in, we went with Glamour, Lucky, W and Vanity Fair (seeing as it's VF's inaugural "Style Issue," we'll group them with the fashion rags. Just this once). After the jump, we'll take a Sharpie and circle their fat.

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This image was lost some time after publication.
This image was lost some time after publication.
This image was lost some time after publication.

• Jessica Joffe accounts for approximately .75 lbs of Glamour's total weight.
• We actually think Vanity Fair was a little heavier than the other 2-pounders, but the poor Tanita scale lacks that level of precision.
• It's unfair to include beastly W amongst the mere mortals — like putting a rottweiler in a room with a bunch of chihuahuas, really. But 3.5 lbs cannot be ignored.