Great Moments In Shiloh Jolie-Pitt History

The LAT commemorates the momentous occasion of the internet-wide leaking of the first image of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt (and, perhaps, the first legal threats made on the baby's behalf) by assembling a timeline of important moments in the eleven-day-old infant's existence. All the crucial milestones are covered, including the fated infidelity that first brought Mommy and Daddy together, the sex act that would enable the commingling of Hollywood's finest specimens' perfect genetic material, and, most crucially, the Chosen One's first photo shoot:
January 2005: Aniston and Pitt end their four-year marriage. Aniston and Pitt announce their separation. The split is finalized in October, paving the way for Pitt and Jolie, already rumored to be romantically involved, to start practicing making baby Shiloh. (Both Pitt and Jolie have denied having intimate relations before Pitt's divorce with Anniston was finalized). [...]
Late 2005: Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt is conceived. Precise details have yet to be released. [...]
June 2006: Shiloh's first photo shoot. Mom and Dad agree to allow young Shiloh to be photographed, but tell the world they will sell photos of their baby girl to the highest bidder and then donate the proceeds to charity. Getty Images, the agency charged with licensing the photographs, vouches for Shiloh's future as a superstar. "The images are beautiful — very intimate, casual and not Hollywood glitz," it says.
Considering the aesthetic magnificence of the subjects, we're not at all surprised at the beauty of the first photos, and we're especially heartened that Hello! magazine took the understated route by focusing on a simple moment of joy between mother, father, and newborn, tastefully cropping out the manger and the wise men hovering nearby.