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Our breath gets more and more bated and the countdown to Ellie continues, and, oh boy, is the tension rising. Big news today about the High-Stakes Ellies Pool. First, we've added five more eligible contestants, all of whom we obviously should have thought of initially: Kit Seelye, Julie Bosman, and David Carr from the Times, Sarah Ellison from the Journal, and HuffPost media editor Rachel Sklar. That's a total of 20 eligible contestants, and we'll do our best to hector as many as possible into participating.

So far we've got completed entry forms from WWD's Jeff Bercovici, the dynamic Mediaweek duo of Lisa Granatstein and Stephanie Smith, and MarketWatch macher Jon Friedman. And we've got coming-soon commitments from Mediabistro's Dylan Stableford, Ad Age's Nat Ives, and Paul Smith spokesmodel Greg Lindsay.

We're still waiting on the rest of y'all. We hear the Timespeople aren't allowed to participate — having a TV critic who barely watches TV is apparently no problem, but letting magazine people predict magazine awards is beyond the ethical pale. But we're still betting folks — especially the big kibitzers like Dumenco and Kelly and les Observeurs, Scocca and Sherman — can be convinced to participate.

After all, who doesn't like prizes?

Ellie Madness Is Here: Introducing the High-Stakes Pool?
Ellie Madness: Fun for Everyone