Noted Housewife-Actress Forgets to Thank Husband at Awards Show
Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/08/15 11:20PMAbominable Travesty Equates Jay Leno and Mark Twain
Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/14 03:04PMThe Nobel People Are Seriously Short on Cash
Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/13 01:17PMTom Scocca · 04/01/13 12:37PM
The 7 Things You Need to Know About Last Night's Golden Globes (Plus Taylor Swift's Bitchface)
Caity Weaver · 01/14/13 01:58PM
Last night, Hollywood had its first dress rehearsal of the awards season: the Golden Globes. As with most rehearsals, a lot of shit went wrong: audio cut out, teleprompters malfunctioned, and several women grabbed the microphone to scream crazy things into it; in another era they might have been burned as witches.
Eat Like the Stars: A Course-by-Course Golden Globes Menu Analysis
Caity Weaver · 01/04/13 06:44PM
The best thing about Golden Globes night is that it provides dinner to a roomful of stars who otherwise could not afford to feed themselves. The celebs sit smushed elbow-to-elbow at round dinner tables and the International Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton looks like an Olive Garden the ad sales department has rented out for its 2003 F-ad-bulous Employee Recognition Dinner. Also everyone gets wasted, which is great for .gifs.
Kennedy Family Still All Up On Taylor Swift's Dick, I See (They Gave Her a Special Award Last Night)
Caity Weaver · 12/04/12 10:38AMThe Story Gawker Doesn't Want You To Read*: James Franco Nominated for Special Blog Prize
Caity Weaver · 11/13/12 12:20PMLena Dunham Gets Three Emmy Nominations; Here Are the Rest
Rich Juzwiak · 07/19/12 09:15AM
It's a very darling sort of year for the Emmys with critical/Internet/real people favs like Girls, Breaking Bad, Homeland, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, Parks and Recreation and 30 Rock popping up in multiple categories. Mad Men and American Horror Story lead with 17 nominations. Somewhat weirdly, American Horror Story qualifies for the miniseries categories because, as Vulture explained earlier this year, "the miniseries distinction is reserved for programming that has a story line that gets resolved in a single season." This logic led the first season of Downton Abbey to be considered by the Emmys as a miniseries last year, although that was bullshit then (clearly Mary and Matthew had more heart-dragging to do — no one could have possibly thought that the first season finale constituted resolution). It's a bit more understandable in the case of American Horror Story, which will focus on an entirely different story every season, but it's still a little weird since we know several characters from last time around will return. (Actually, word is that returning actors will not be reprising their Season 1 roles but take up all new ones. Jessica Lange, for example, is supposed to play a nun.) No matter - whatever it takes for a show so batshit crazy to be regarded as distinguished is fine with me.
Bob Dylan Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Which is Why You’re Hearing about the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Caity Weaver · 05/29/12 11:21PMHere Is an Amazing Photo of Cher and Chaz Bono From the GLAAD Awards
Louis Peitzman · 04/22/12 04:35PM
Last night, Cher presented her son Chaz Bono with GLAAD's Stephen F. Kolzak Award, and it was kind of amazing. Bono was also honored for the documentary Becoming Chaz, which chronicled his transition from female to male. In the film, Cher admitted some difficulty thinking of Chaz as a man after watching him grow up as a woman. This delightful picture of Cher (and her hair) embracing Bono is a nice reflection of how far they've come.
Fear, Loathing, And Modern Medicine: The Faces Of The Academy Awards
Timothy Burke · 02/27/12 09:30AMThe Complete List of Winners from History's Worst Oscars
Brian Moylan · 02/27/12 12:57AM
As someone who loves the Oscars, movies, and awards shows in general, I have to say that this year's ceremony was the most boring in modern memory. It seemed like the whole night was mired in Billy Crystal's mediocre nostalgia and nothing got to shine, except Meryl Streep, which shouldn't be a surprise at all.
Adam Sandler Hits Exciting New Low
Louis Peitzman · 02/26/12 12:04PM
Move over, Norbit — on Saturday, Adam Sandler beat the previous record of five Razzie nominations with a staggering 11. The Razzies, which are basically the Oscars for terrible movies, has singled Sandler out for his writing, producing, and acting work in the films Jack and Jill, Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star, and Just Go With It.
What Not to Do at Your Oscar Party
Brian Moylan · 02/25/12 12:00PMOscar Voters Are Older, Whiter, and Maler Than You Thought
Brian Moylan · 02/20/12 12:58PM
No one really knows who the 5,765 members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences are. Yes, those who decide who gets the fetishized and neutered gold man at the Oscars were a mystery until now. The LA Times did a demographic study of who is casting the votes. Shocker: it's old white guys.