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Marky Mark Wahlberg "was scheduled to fly on one of the doomed 9-11 planes from Boston to L.A. but changed his plans at the last minute." Had he actually taken the trip, he might have averted the catastrophe. " There were a bunch of us, five or six . . . we were all guys too . . . but I was not traveling with security," says Marky. "We were in first class. We certainly would have tried to do something. I try not to think about it but how can you not think about it?" Whether or not Wahlberg and his funky bunch (the basis, let's not forget, for HBO's "Entourage") would have been able to make the terrorists feel the vibrations is a "what if?" for future historians to ponder, but it sure would have made United 93 a hell of a lot more enjoyable. Especially if Jeremy Piven was on board.

Also, we'd like to point out how difficult it must have been for Wahlberg to take time out from promoting his latest film to dredge up these obviously difficult memories. He's pure class.

Mark his words [BH]