Peanut gallery's been roasting again:

Kyle Bunch puts two and two together when Calacanis becomes "Calacnis":

He's trying for the Esthr Dyson thing; dropping an 'a' in your name is the new dropping the 'e'.

valleyvoyeur pours gas on the Winer fire:

Who in Silicon Valley HASN'T gotten into a flamewar with Dave?!?!

Adam Michela prefers his Web 2.0 logos to be sad marsupials:

This whole thing is bizarre. All the way down from the vague announcement at Under the Radar to the cagey smirk on that ugly little blue kangaroo.

Blackjack figures that's how SketchUp got split up:

Let me guess, Google kept the engineers and ditched a bunch of the non-engineers. I'll put on my shocked face now.

Anonymous wants Bruce Sterling to be a spime:

If Sterling's so cutting edge, why didn't he liveblog himself?

To which Spastic Colon says:

liveblogging is for sissies. when you're cutting edge, someone else liveblogs it for you.

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