Liveblogging Bruce Sterling's annual rant
Nick Douglas · 03/13/07 09:03PM
NICK DOUGLAS — I had a lot of fun live-mocking last year's moving but off-kilter speech by sci-fi author and futurist Bruce Sterling. The venue was South by Southwest, the topic (mostly) spimes, Sterling's pet idea of constantly trackable objects. He's speaking again this year, no one knows what about. And in what I'm now declaring an annual Valleywag tradition, I'm live-blogging it below.
The Future Internets That Never Happened
Nick Douglas · 03/09/07 05:44PM
NICK DOUGLAS — "A new company is paving the way for a more automated Internet," shouts the New York Times. Oh god. New internets are like perpetual motion machines: they get "invented" all the time, but you'll never find a working model. Here are the most famous, including Cyberspace, the Semantic Web, and Bruce Sterling's Magical Spime World.
Week's best comments: "that ugly little blue kangaroo"
ndouglas · 03/17/06 09:44PMPeanut gallery's been roasting again: