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If we may briefly steal your when-gays-meet-awards attention away from Brokeback's Oscar prospects for just a moment, we'd also like to note that GLAAD announced its 17th Annual Media Awards nominations today. We'd particularly like to direct your gaze to the "Outstanding TV Journalism — News Segment" category. For that one, the nominees are:

"Andrew Goldstein" ESPN SportsCenter (ESPN)
"Coming Out" Live From... (CNN)
"Peter Hams" ESPN SportsCenter (ESPN)
"School Outing" Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN)
"Secret Sex Lives" Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN)

Hmm. Imagine that. Of all the news shows on the air, 360° pulls two nominations — and both for evergreen stories, not for anything with any specific news peg.

If we didn't know any better, we'd almost think it's as though Anderson has a personal interest in these topics.


GLAAD Announces Nominees for 17th Annual GLAAD Media Awards [GLAAD]