
Here Is an Amazing Photo of Cher and Chaz Bono From the GLAAD Awards

Louis Peitzman · 04/22/12 04:35PM

Last night, Cher presented her son Chaz Bono with GLAAD's Stephen F. Kolzak Award, and it was kind of amazing. Bono was also honored for the documentary Becoming Chaz, which chronicled his transition from female to male. In the film, Cher admitted some difficulty thinking of Chaz as a man after watching him grow up as a woman. This delightful picture of Cher (and her hair) embracing Bono is a nice reflection of how far they've come.

Piers Morgan Defends Kirk Cameron's Right to Be a Dick

Louis Peitzman · 03/04/12 11:44AM

Child star turned religious zealot Kirk Cameron pissed a lot of people off when he appeared on Piers Morgan Tonight and said gays were icky. (Technically he called homosexuality "unnatural," but now we're just splitting hairs.) His basic point was that gay marriage should never be legal, because God intended marriage as a one-man, one-woman deal.

Everyone Who's Gay on Television

Richard Lawson · 09/28/11 02:16PM

Gay advocacy group GLAAD has released its annual survey of what network has the most gay characters on television and, buoyed significantly by Glee, Fox has taken the top spot. Good for them!

GLAAD President Resigns over AT&T Donations

Max Read · 06/19/11 01:51PM

Jarrett Barrios, the president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, resigned on Sunday night following revelations that GLAAD had expressed support of AT&T's merger with T-Mobile—while also taking $50,000 in donations from the company.

Apple Embroiled in Huge Gay Rights Fight

Ryan Tate · 12/15/10 02:16PM

Apple is caught in the crossfire between opponents and supporters of an iPhone game that can only be "won" by signaling opposition to gay and abortion rights. Apple approved the app, then pulled it. Now comes the furious lobbying.

The Facebook Gay Bullying War

Ryan Tate · 10/14/10 01:58PM

Gay-rights group GLAAD set up a Facebook page to honor the memory of Tyler Celmenti and other victims of anti-gay bullying — and the page was promptly attacked by legions of anti-gay bullies. Now Facebook is helping fight the bigotry.

Sex Does Not Sell Movies; Indians Do

Adrian Chen · 12/29/09 11:43PM

The showbiz news cycle has ground to a halt. But you'll be glad you stuck with it, because two stories in today's trades reveal very conclusively that sex does not sell but Indians dancing do. Use this knowledge wisely.