Fake Hollywood job ads, courtesy of the DataLoungers: "Are you in your 20's? Are you willing to work for minimum wage? Are you willing to put in 90 hour work weeks without overtime? Do you like to create your own title to make yourself look important? Do you like small cozy offices, and don't care about promotions or raises? Do you enjoy being a slave to fat cats who take credit for anything you do? Miramax is a special place for those with extremely low self-esteem, who are clueless about what they really want to do, and will settle for anything. Are you a filmmaker whose film opened in Sundance in 1991, which Miramax bought, and has yet to release? Are you friends with Gwyenth Paltrow? They even have offices on both sides of the coast, so you can surf or ski!"
Film industry/audio stuff [DataLounge]