
Datalounge Gays Can't Have Nice Things, Political Threads

Pareene · 03/28/08 12:14PM

Datalounge, the famously bitchy gay message board, has apparently banned all political discussion. This race is tearing this nation apart! Many gays like Hillary Clinton because she is campy, but others like Barack Obama because he is attractive. Now no one can like either of them and that's final. Selections from the thread announcing the new policy, including the stunning revelation that the webmaster donated to Obama, attached.

The Gays Offer Advice On Visiting Philadelphia

Choire · 08/16/07 01:10PM

Ah, Philly, our sister city of brotherly love, or something like that. Once, for an incredibly brief and misguided period of time, it was considered our sixth borough. (For the next three weeks, obviously, our sixth borough is East Hampton.) But you know: it's still kind of better than that craphole Boston! What do the gays over at remarkably catty message board Datalounge recommend to do in Philly?

Has a celebrity ever hit on you?

Gawker · 03/10/03 05:09PM

The kids at Data Lounge ask the tough questions. One member responds: "Star Jones once hiked her skirt up in the middle of the Au Bon Pain on south Broadway, and demanded cunnilingus in the rudest terms imaginable, and kept writhing on the floor shrieking the same foul oaths over and over until nearly everyone felt forced to flee."
Has a celebrity ever hit on you? [DataLounge]

Work for Miramax

Gawker · 03/05/03 02:07PM

Fake Hollywood job ads, courtesy of the DataLoungers: "Are you in your 20's? Are you willing to work for minimum wage? Are you willing to put in 90 hour work weeks without overtime? Do you like to create your own title to make yourself look important? Do you like small cozy offices, and don't care about promotions or raises? Do you enjoy being a slave to fat cats who take credit for anything you do? Miramax is a special place for those with extremely low self-esteem, who are clueless about what they really want to do, and will settle for anything. Are you a filmmaker whose film opened in Sundance in 1991, which Miramax bought, and has yet to release? Are you friends with Gwyenth Paltrow? They even have offices on both sides of the coast, so you can surf or ski!"
Film industry/audio stuff [DataLounge]

Who's the freakiest?

Gawker · 02/26/03 03:04PM

David Patrick Columbia's Social Diary oils all over last night's Drama League benefit, but forget the text and look at the pictures. Over at the Data Lounge, nasty posters are playing spot the biggest freak. The most popular picks: the Weils and Topsy Taylor. I refuse to believe these are real people. With a name like Topsy Taylor: I mean, come on.
Today's Social Diary
Who's the biggest freak? [Data Lounge]

Howard Stringer

Gawker · 02/26/03 12:04PM

Howard Stringer, chairman of Sony Corporation of America and Tommy Mottola's nemesis, has been called many things, by Mottola and others. But never this: "a big strapping Welsh dude who I bet has a nice huge..."
Howard Stringer [The Data Lounge]