Photo: AP

In a column published in his hometown newspaper, the Gazette, Paul Ryan finally admits what he has known to be true in his heart all along (or at least since last month): He will be voting for Donald Trump in November.

“It’s no secret that he and I have our differences. I won’t pretend otherwise. And when I feel the need to, I’ll continue to speak my mind,” Ryan wrote in the piece. “But the reality is, on the issues that make up our agenda, we have more common ground than disagreement.”

“House Republicans are helping shape that Republican vision by offering a bold policy agenda, by offering a better way ahead. Donald Trump can help us make it a reality.”

In a separate story, the Gazette reports that Ryan’s campaign would not clarify whether this qualified as an actual endorsement. “He said he’ll vote for Trump in the piece,” an aide told the paper. “That speaks for itself, in our view.” Say no more.