Just a few days after a homophobe murdered gay man Mark Carson in Manhattan's West Village, another gay male has been attacked in the latest addition to New York City's recent string of anti-gay hate crimes.

Reports Bruce Yelk at NightlifeGay.com, party promoter Dan Contarino was assaulted at Avenue D and 4th Street last night by a man who screamed "faggot" as he kicked and punched Contarino. Witnesses came to Contarino's aid, but, unfortunately, his assailant got away.

The visibly bruised Contarino wrote on his Facebook page this morning:

THANKS FOR CALLS.... GAY BASHED LAST NITE.... back from small surgery.... CHEST XRAYS THIS AM.... suspect still at large... police n media waiting to interview me... U JUST WANNA CRY N MOVE ON....

Earlier in the evening yesterday, more than 1,000 people gathered at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center in lower Manhattan to march in honor of Mark Carson and all the other LGBT men and women brutalized in the city of late.

Update: Also last night: A gay couple was attacked in Manhattan's SoHo neighborhood.

[via Towleroad/Image via Facebook]