Before she passed away of ovarian cancer two years ago, Brenda Schmitz secretly left behind a very important letter in the possession of a friend with the explicit instruction that it be mailed to a specific Des Moines radio station once her husband had decided to remarry.

When David announced this past summer that he had proposed to his girlfriend Jane, Brenda's friend mailed her letter to Star 102.5 FM, as she had requested.

"In more than 20 years of granting Christmas Wishes, we've never received a wish quite like the one we received from Brenda Schmitz," the station wrote on its blog.

David was invited to visit the station's studio's, but was not informed about the letter until he was on the air.

"I have a wish for David and the boys [David and Brenda shared four sons] and the woman and her family if she has kids also [Jane has two children from a previous relationship]," Brenda's wish begins. "I want them to know I love them very much and they always feel safe in a world of pain."

In addition to her kind words, Brenda left behind three wishes she hoped would bring the new family closer together: A weekend of "pampering" for Jane ("she deserves it. Being a step-mother to all those boys"); A "magical trip" for the whole family to a place where they can enjoy each other's company and "create those memories that will be with them forever"; and, lastly, a night out "full of drinks, food, and fun" for the cancer doctors and nurses at Mercy Medical Center "for all they do everyday for the cancer patients they encounter."

With the help of several local business, KSTZ has already arranged to provide three catered "food drops" to the oncology staff at Mercy and will be sending David, Jane, and the rest of the family to Disney World, all expenses paid.

[H/T: Uproxx]